200 heads of federal agencies review efforts and initiatives to cut government red tape

200 heads of federal agencies review efforts and initiatives to cut government red tape

200 leaders and officials, including undersecretaries, assistant undersecretaries and CEOs of government agencies, reviewed the agencies’ efforts and initiatives aimed at accelerating the implementation of the government’s zero red tape program goals.

This was during the second regular meeting of the government’s zero bureaucracy programme, which was organized by the Emirates Program for Excellence in Government Service at the Prime Minister’s Office in the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, as part of initiatives to improve readiness and support. Efforts to implement government projects and initiatives, eliminate government bureaucracy and shorten work procedures and cut their times in half.

His Excellency Engineer Mohammed bin Taliah, Head of the UAE Government’s Government Services, emphasized the importance of improving national efforts, coordination and communication between ministries and government agencies to achieve the goals of the government’s bureaucracy zero-out program. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai announced that “God bless you”, based on a clear leadership vision based on making life easier for community members by improving an environment. it stimulates business and attracts minds and talents, and helps achieve the focus and goals of the “We Are the Emirates 2031” vision.
Ibn Taliah said that the government’s zero red tape program is a national working model that aims to create a qualitative change in government procedures, which is the simplest, fastest, easiest and most effective procedural system, ensuring the reduction of unnecessary burdens. in terms of the business sector and people, in terms of time, effort and resources, and to help improve the economic growth of the UAE and improve the competitiveness of the sectors, the business environment and the quality of life.
He stated that the Emirates Program for Excellence in Government Service, through periodic meetings, seeks to provide support mechanisms, enable cooperation and expand partnerships between entities, thus helping to achieve the goals of the program to eliminate government bureaucracy and encourage entities. to multiply efforts in that field.

For his part, Major General Salem Al Shamsi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Resources and Support Services, confirmed the desire of the Ministry of Interior to achieve the vision and goals of the UAE government and its efforts to reduce and eliminate bureaucratic procedures. to provide police services that meet the needs of society and exceed customer expectations.
Al Shamsi stated that the Ministry is one of the leading entities providing proactive services that embrace the latest digital technologies, artificial intelligence concepts and approaches based on plans and strategies, with the aim of facilitating people-first services. and simplifying for customers and eliminating unnecessary requirements, which improves UAE government leadership and global competitiveness in government efficiency and quality. The Ministry of the Interior has emphasized its desire to adopt pioneering technical projects that effectively meet the needs of society and improve the quality of life of the community in the Basque Country.
His Excellency, Marwan Abdullah Al Zaabi, Deputy Secretary of the Regional Sector of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, confirmed that the Ministry continues to strive and work to achieve the goals of the government’s zero bureaucracy program, which was launched in accordance with the directives. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and the “God” of Dubai, to develop and improve the procedures of the Ministry by canceling, simplifying and merging unnecessary procedures, terms and conditions. , and reducing the processing times and services offered by the Ministry to the business and individual sectors, which helps to improve the customer journey, reduce service delivery time and increase the satisfaction rate of customers and partners.
Al Zaabi said the implementation of the government’s red tape program will help implement leadership directives to achieve the We Are the Emirates 2031 vision by providing services that exceed customer expectations and co-designing personal, proactive, smooth and intelligent services. all members of society.

In the same context, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Ahmed Al Naqbi, the Executive Director of the Supporting Health Services Sector of the Emirates Health Services Corporation, affirmed the Corporation’s efforts to improve flexibility, develop capacities and improve the quality of services. its strategy, and in line with the “Government Zero Bureaucracy” program.

Al-Naqbi noted that the efforts of the organization’s work groups have yielded successful results in eliminating bureaucracy, improving the customer journey in radiological imaging services, reducing the customer’s journey from 30 days to less than one day, as well as reducing visits. 8 visits an 82% increase compared to the previous number of visits, which effectively helped to increase the capacity of the service delivery centers.
He said that the Corporation continues to continuously develop and improve its services to meet the needs and expectations of customers, and help improve the quality of life and happiness of community members.
Najiba Hassan Al Jabri, Vice President of Environment, Health and Safety Sector at Emirates Global Aluminum said: “We were delighted to participate in the regular meeting of the zero-red tape program. Ideas and suggestions were exchanged with all participants, especially Emirates Global Aluminium- in the suggestion system program. We hope to be a key element in driving progress in the industry and in other sectors.’
Al Jabri added: “We look forward to continued fruitful cooperation between all parties to achieve common goals and enhance the UAE’s position at the forefront of developed countries that seek to offer the best.”
The participants of the second regular meeting of the government bureaucracy zero-out program reviewed the developments of the government bureaucracy zero-out program, and discussed the next steps in implementing its initiatives in government agencies.
Attendees learned about several notable initiatives to eliminate bureaucracy in the UAE government, developed by ministries and government agencies, including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Emirates Health Services Corporation and Emirates Global Aluminum Company. .
Participants were briefed on the achievements of the smart integration project for joint police and judicial operations, which was launched by the Home Office as part of initiatives to reverse government directives to adopt highly efficient business models aimed at eliminating red tape in transactions. and deliver the next generation of integrated proactive services.
The Ministry stated that the project was able to improve the package of services and operations through the technical link between the platform of the unified criminal system and the judicial authorities of the country, to reduce the customer journey, to improve and simplify government procedures, to increase satisfaction and reduce costs, and to develop and improve the capabilities of information and communication technologies. , through intelligent links between… The entities that participated, the list of approved services included 113 services, of which 25 were informational and 88 were procedural.
The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment reviewed government red tape tools and discussed the implementation of various initiatives to motivate customers and employees to participate in the government red tape program and honored the program guidelines.
Ghareeb Al-Mutawa, Director of the Central Regional Department of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, reviewed the recently adopted tools for zero government bureaucracy, which is to establish special standards for evaluating and selecting priorities for zero government bureaucracy. The processes that the Ministry is working on, involving employees, taking their proposals and creative ideas and listening to the voice of the customers and the challenges they face in obtaining the services of the Ministry.
He has touched on what has been achieved in the zero operations of the farmers’ services, including reducing the procedures and steps to obtain the services, reducing the time to provide the service, in addition to putting electronic paper outputs.
Emirates Health Services Corporation presented its experience in using artificial intelligence techniques in radiological imaging services and the expected results of eliminating red tape in this regard. He reviewed the client’s journey before and after the zero-zero procedure.
Emirates Global Aluminum Company explained its proposal program, which aims to attract knowledge and skills and motivate employees to help improve company performance by generating, analyzing and implementing ideas that have a positive impact on the business.
It is worth noting that the “Zero Government Bureaucracy” program was launched in 2023 as part of the activities of the annual meetings of the UAE government, in a new phase of government work, which aims to simplify and reduce government procedures and eliminate unnecessary requirements. the way it increases levels of efficiency, quality and governance flexibility.

Ministries and government agencies were ordered to cancel at least 2,000 government procedures, reduce processing times by 50% and eliminate all unnecessary conditions and requirements within a year, while the results of the work will be evaluated, a ranking will be given. to the agencies, and it will be announced at the end of the period determined to fulfill the best and the worst.