1.05 billion dirhams in the courts of the Dubai Financial Center in the first half

1.05 billion dirhams in the courts of the Dubai Financial Center in the first half

Dubai: “The Gulf”

The Dubai International Financial Center Courts reported their record results for the first half of 2024, reflecting the continued growth in the number of cases brought before their courts across the region in the area of ​​English court resolution. The results also showed an increase in demand for additional support services, such as the digital vault service “Tejoori”, due to the Dubai government’s strong tendency to abandon paper transactions, which increases the demand for secure digital storage of life management documents.
The value of cases in all court departments was 1.05 billion dirhams in the first half of 2024, and the number of filed cases reached 480 cases with a total value of 1.02 billion dirhams, and the average value of a case reached 39.3 million dirhams. Judge Omar Al Muhairi, Director of DIFC Courts, said: “After recording results in 2023, we continue to receive increasing demand for core and support services in our courts in the first half of 2024. We have also made commitments to continue research and development work on new mechanisms in 2024.” Innovative, efficient and cost-effective to support court users, maintaining judicial excellence, prudent case management and our experienced panel.
Undoubtedly, the recent ranking of the UAE among the top ten economies in the list of global competitiveness is testimony to the vitality and dynamism of our common economy, as the report specifically mentions separate and effective conflict resolution mechanisms. The Basque Country as a fundamental pillar of its competitive economic sector. “As the Dubai International Financial Center celebrates its twentieth anniversary this year, the Center’s courts remain confident in their mission to enable businesses to succeed and individuals to interact in a stable and predictable environment in a way that supports the country’s federal and local strategic goals.”

  • Presented cases

The Small Claims Court, which is the first in the region, reached a high operational capacity in the first six months of 2024, with 265 cases filed, and the total value of the claims filed was 27.2 million dirhams. . The average value of the cases brought before the judge was 109,000 dirhams. These claims arose primarily from disputes related to breach of contract, employment, real estate and leases.
As part of a strategy aimed at digital trading and reducing paper transactions, seeking to increase efficiency year after year, the statistical results confirmed that the DIFC Courts issued 100% of their orders and judgments in digital form, including 913. orders in the first six months of 2024, in addition to 85 court rulings at the same time. The Court of First Instance also conducted 96% of hearings remotely, and the proportion of remote hearings in the Small Claims Court reached 100% and 75% in the Court of Appeals in the first half of 2024. During the first semester of 2024. , the Wills Service received 810 registration requests, an increase of 6% compared to the first half of 2023, and 9 orders for the execution of wills were issued. The number of wills registered through this service since its creation has exceeded 11,000 wills.
Also, the “Tejoori” platform, launched by the Center courts in 2022 as part of its growing ancillary services, saw a more than 20% increase in the number of digital safes registered on it in the first half of 2024. Tejoori” offers a unique platform that functions as a cloud storage, online data vault, supported by a state-of-the-art field data center in the Dubai International Financial Center and a secondary backup data center.