Discover 13,500 new job opportunities at ADNOC

Discover 13,500 new job opportunities at ADNOC

The UAE’s National Employment Competitiveness Council (NAFES) signed a new memorandum of understanding with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) that aims to provide 13,500 job opportunities to citizens in ADNOC-affiliated private sector companies by 2028, reflecting its commitment. both parties to empower young Emiratis and increase their participation… Economic and sustainable development.

Through the memorandum of understanding that supports the UAE government’s strategic objective to provide 100,000 new jobs to national cadres in the private sector over the next three years, ADNOC offers 1,000 vocational training opportunities to university graduates from companies operating within the supply chain. their businesses and activities through the “Experience” program, affiliated to Nafs, will allocate work and training opportunities to qualified national cadres in the Al Dhafra region this year.