Israel’s direct war against Gaza: Israel attacked the port city of Hodeidah in Yemen Israel-Palestine conflict News

Israel’s direct war against Gaza: Israel attacked the port city of Hodeidah in Yemen  Israel-Palestine conflict News

Journalist and political analyst Yousef Mawry says the Houthis believe the attack on Israel’s Hodeidah was carried out in coordination with the US, UK and other allies, including the Arabs.

According to Mawry, who was speaking from Sana’a, “any state, any Arab regime, any regional government that helps Israel or the US carry out attacks against Yemen will be retaliated by the Houthis.”

“There will be an all-out attack on all Israeli, US and British military presence in the entire region, whether it be the US military bases in Yemen’s Socotra Island, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan,” he said. Al Jazeera.

The Houthis are “basically declaring war on Israel, the US, the British government and any Arab regime that is considered an ally of Israel.”