Mohammed bin Rashid: The value of the nation rises and rises through our actions and sacrifices

Mohammed bin Rashid: The value of the nation rises and rises through our actions and sacrifices

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, asserted that money has no value if we do not make people happy and serve people, and time has no value if we do not. invest in useful work.

His Highness wrote on the “X” platform: “#Life_taught_me… that there is no value in money if we don’t make people happy and serve people… and it’s no value if we don’t invest time in useful work… and there is no real value in life if we take advantage of it to build a legacy that lasts, benefits and elevates others… The value of everything depends on what we do there… even the homeland. … the value of the homeland increases and increases through our actions and sacrifices… and we are all of us responsible… we can all help create a greater and sublime value for our countries.”

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid launched the hashtag “Life taught me” in mid-2018 on his official account “X”, where His Highness announced that he writes “occasionally” every summer. lessons learned, and what His Highness learned during the leadership and management journey under the hashtag #You_taught_the_life… through which His Highness can pass on some experiences to the next generation.

  • Experiences and practices

The hashtag “Life Taught Me” contained various experiences, practices and wisdom, which served as a roadmap for the Emirati revival and development process, and the important milestone in the history of the Emirati Renaissance highlighted by His Highness through the hashtag: “The most important achievement in life is the ability to change lives is.. to make people’s lives easier.. to develop their lives for the better.. to create opportunities and benefits for them.. Yes, they are the best people. those who are most useful to people.. if your concern is yourself, then you are small.. and if your concern is others, then you are greater than the sum of the people.. In the Koran “Indeed, Abraham was a nation”.

His Highness added: “Looking for leaders who renounce self and ego is the most difficult task before me…and those who have the faith to work for others…they are few…but they make a difference. .. and move mountains… because their determination is different… and because their motives are noble… and the achievement “gives them the motivation to make constant sacrifices for the Motherland”.

  • There are two types of officials

His Highness believes that there are two types of civil servants: “The first is the key to good and they love people and their happiness lies in making people’s lives easier. As for the second type, they complicate things and their happiness lies when they need people and at their doors and in their offices”, stressing that “they do not success if the countries and governments of the first type do not overcome the second”. His Highness said: “Life has taught me that the true legacy of any leader in any organization is to create men, establish a culture of loyalty, create team spirit and plant the seeds of renewal and innovation.” His Highness added: “Life has taught me that a true leader creates leaders…and a true organization is one that creates a culture that allows its members to thrive…no leader reduces the organization to itself.”

  • Countries are like individuals

His Highness had previously said via the hashtag: “Life has taught me that countries, like individuals, need constant growth, development and change, and that governments can become old unless they renew their youth with innovation and ideas, and anyone. doesn’t change, circumstances change and it goes back, and to the one who does not learn to keep pace with his time, Time teaches him in a harsh way that he has gone back and forth.

Regarding His Highness’s view of organizations, he said: “Life has taught me that there are two types of organizations: organizations with a single leader, and secondly, organizations with a single team. The first is temporary and the second is permanent.” His Highness added: “Life has taught me that a true leader creates leaders… and a true organization is one that creates a culture that allows its members to grow… no leader reduces the organization to itself.”

His Highness concluded: “Life has taught me that the true legacy of any leader in any organization is to create men, establish a culture of loyalty, create team spirit and plant the seeds of renewal and innovation.”