Muhammad Al-Sharqi: Developing a safety and security system helps to achieve the highest levels of quality of life

Muhammad Al-Sharqi: Developing a safety and security system helps to achieve the highest levels of quality of life

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of Fujairah, emphasized the importance of developing a safety and security system in society, teaching people the necessary skills and improving emergency response capabilities, which helps achieve the highest levels of security. and quality of life.

This was during the eleventh Friends of Civil Defense course event organized by the Fujairah Civil Defense Department and the graduation of 197 participants, in the presence of Brigadier Ali Obaid Al Tunaiji, Director of the Fujairah Civil Defense Department.

His Highness highlighted the interest and continued support of Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Fujairah, for programs that help support vital sectors and promote their sustainable growth, which is a priority. safety and security sector and improving the quality of life of community members. His Highness congratulated the graduates of the program for successfully completing the course.

To praise the efforts of the Fujairah Civil Defense Department to organize programs aimed at segments of society, especially the youth and young people, and teach them the necessary basic skills and necessary knowledge in the field of safety and security and to deal with emergency situations.

In his speech at the event, Colonel Khaled Rabie Al Hamoudi, Deputy Director of Fujairah Civil Defense Department, expressed his thanks and gratitude to Mohammed bin Hamad Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of Fujairah, for his interest in encouraging His Highness. those who signed up for the course praised the participants’ perseverance in continuous learning and parents also appreciated their efforts to enroll their children in this program.

The graduation ceremony included a rousing speech by the graduates, a poem paragraph, and a video presentation highlighting the learning stages and stages of the program’s journey, followed by a field presentation to demonstrate the skills learned, and concluded the ceremony with honors. famous students


In addition, His Highness the Crown Prince of Fujairah, in the office of the Emiri Diwan, met with theater artists who won Arab and international awards among the monodrama, in the presence of Nasser Al Yamahi, Executive Director of Fujairah Culture and the Media Authority. During the meeting, His Highness emphasized the Emirate of Fujairah’s interest in art and culture as the main support for its comprehensive growth process, based on His Royal Highness Fujairah’s support for art in general and theater in particular.

His Highness was keen to empower artists and stimulate their creativity in the field of performing arts, and enable their work to enrich the cultural and arts sector of the Emirates. His Highness praised the victories achieved by artists at the Arab and international coronation forums, and emphasized the continued importance of achievement and excellence in enhancing the Emirate of Fujairah’s position in the performing arts sector.

And to support the country’s competitive indicators in the field of monodrama art worldwide. The winning artists expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Crown Prince of Fujairah for his warm welcome and continuous support to the cultural and artistic capacities of the Emirate of Fujairah, which is a great incentive to provide the best standards. about the theater works that come within and outside the country.