“Sharjah Radio and Television” is preparing for an extraordinary follow-up of the “International Government Communication Forum” – Alkhaleej Newspaper Al Khaleej Newspaper

“Sharjah Radio and Television” is preparing for an extraordinary follow-up of the “International Government Communication Forum” – Alkhaleej Newspaper Al Khaleej Newspaper

  1. “Sharjah Radio and Television” is preparing for a special follow-up of the “International Government Communication Forum”.  Alkhaleej Newspaper Gulf newspaper
  2. The “International Government Communication Forum 2024” brings together an elite group of ministers and thinkers to explore the role of communication in future governments.  Sweeteners
  3. “Government Communication” reviews global success stories in effective communication  Across the emirates
  4. The International Forum on Government Communication examines the role of communication in the governments of the future  24 News website
  5. The COMMS program concludes with a focus on artificial intelligence and the metaverse  Sharjah24