The Assistant Foreign Minister attends the reception of the Turkish warship

The Assistant Foreign Minister attends the reception of the Turkish warship

Salem Saeed Gavan Al Jabri, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security and Military Affairs, attended the Turkish Navy’s reception for the arrival of the Turkish warship “TCG Kenali Ada” at Zayed Port in Abu Dhabi. He was received by Lieutenant General Kadir Yildiz, the fleet commander of the Turkish Navy and some officials.

The event was also attended by Major General Ishaq Saleh Al Balushi, Assistant Chief of Staff for Joint Capabilities at the Ministry of Defense and some senior officers and officials of the Ministry of Defense from both sides.

The event began with the national anthems of the UAE and the Republic of Turkey, after which Tugay Tunçer, the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the country, gave a speech welcoming the attendees and emphasizing the depth and strength of the deep roots. the historical relations that bind the two countries, seeking further development and cooperation in the future.

a tour

Salem Saeed Gavan Al Jabri, accompanied by Major General Ishaq Saleh Al Balushi and those present, made an inspection tour of the ship’s sections, where they heard a detailed explanation from one of the ship’s officers about the most important equipment, tasks, duties. and the main functions it performs, in addition to the advanced devices and equipment it features.

Al Jabri emphasized that relations between the UAE and the Republic of Turkey are constantly developing in many vital sectors, especially in the military and security sector, which reflects the desire of the leadership of both countries to develop joint work and look ahead. cooperation opportunities for the development and prosperity of the two friendly countries.

For his part, Major General Ishaq Saleh Al Balushi was happy to attend the ceremony, praising the bilateral military relations and the outstanding level of military cooperation and coordination between the two countries.