The “Children’s Legislature” requires the promotion of the rights of young people and the promotion of sustainability

The “Children’s Legislature” requires the promotion of the rights of young people and the promotion of sustainability

In a recent session held at the headquarters of the Sharjah Advisory Council

  • 54 members from 16 countries formulate 55 recommendations

The fourth and final session of the third session was held at the headquarters of the Sharjah Advisory Council, in the presence of the Chairman of the Arab Children’s Parliament Jinan Al-Sharif and the Secretary General of the Parliament Ayman. Othman Al-Barout, the Arab Parliament held an extensive debate, and formulated more than 55 recommendations, aimed at improving the interaction between the parliamentarians of their Arab countries and their communities.

The members of the Arab Children’s Parliament enriched the last session of the third session with multiple and separate interventions, in which 54 of the 64 members of the parliament, 54 Arab deputies from 16 countries, discussed the issue of the social responsibility of the parliamentarian.

From the Emirates, MP Saif Al Mazrouei spoke about his role as a role model for children, and the importance of environmental awareness and participation in environmental initiatives, pointing to awards that encourage environmental protection.

Emirati Salama Al-Taniji called for the development of specific programs to combat bullying and educate children to care for the environment, and Emirati Fatima Al-Ghous expressed the breadth of social responsibility and the role of Parliament in children’s rights and protection. promoting education and health care for them.

Saudi Arabia’s Dima Mohammed Al-Majed emphasized the Kingdom’s role in establishing social responsibility councils and the importance of sustaining responsibility as a strategic investment in society’s values.

For his part, Saudi Arabia’s Abdulaziz Al-Qahtani expressed the Kingdom’s role in promoting social responsibility for children and the importance of members’ positive contribution to their environment, calling for the expansion of awareness and culture to more cohesive and advanced societies.

Also from Saudi Arabia, Al-Anoud Al-Amro spoke about the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and the importance of developing a sense of citizenship among children, emphasizing the role of members in creating and promoting initiatives that promote social responsibility and teach children human values.

From Iraq, Munan Anas emphasized that Parliament is the voice of childhood, and recommended increasing awareness of social responsibility and effectively communicating children’s rights.

Saud Al-Issa spoke about the importance of social responsibility in Saudi Arabia and its role in national development and environmental protection, calling for increasing the sense of responsibility among children and activating the role of volunteer work in schools.

From the Sultanate of Oman, Al-Zahra Al-Rahbia emphasized the importance of strengthening parliament’s work culture and increasing awareness of social responsibility, while Nasser bin Talal Al-Husseini listened and communicated with members of society and advocated for children’s rights. .

Elias Al-Maani, from the Sultanate of Oman, expressed the importance of social service for society, and members’ contributions to help the environment and participate in volunteer activities, and Sama Wael from Egypt asked for the support of children’s initiatives and the transfer of experience between Arabs. the countries

Egypt’s Ahmed Al-Faramawi spoke about empowering parliamentarians to convey children’s concerns and train them for the future, while Shukran Hussein called for increasing awareness of children’s rights and encouraging their effective participation.

Egypt’s Sajid Muhammad emphasized the importance of empowering people with disabilities and supporting the role of parliamentarians as community ambassadors, while Loujain Al Amriya of the Sultanate of Oman called for strengthening the culture of parliamentary work among children and spreading awareness of social responsibility.

The Kuwaiti Abdullah Al-Mansouri expressed the great responsibility of the members of the Arab Parliament for children to achieve social and environmental progress, and the Tunisian Muhammad Aziz Al-Mansouri spoke about the importance of supporting children’s initiatives and giving them the opportunity to participate. .

Iraq’s Ibrahim Qithar emphasized the importance of parliament’s role in improving parliamentary culture and communicating with society, as it helps build a cohesive and sustainable society.

Sarah Yousef, Bahrain, highlighted the importance of transferring experiences gained in Parliament to Arab societies and expanding the role of parliamentary children in public service.

Bahrain’s Munira Al Busmait highlighted the importance of raising awareness and education about children’s rights and organizing competitions to improve talent and social interaction, while Bahrain’s Abdul Karim Al Kindi called for increased grassroots participation, training for children and support for inclusion. parliamentary culture in educational curricula.

Bahrain’s Abdullah Bucheery emphasized the importance of developing future leaders and encouraging children’s participation in decision-making, while Lebanon’s Yasmina Mishek highlighted Lebanon’s role in supporting children and combating violence against them, while John Dandan supported the activities of Lebanon’s members. he made the call. investing in parliament and technology to improve parliamentary work The Lebanese Elena Al-Bizri called for strengthening the culture of social responsibility of families and strengthening cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Iraq’s Taha Omar called for developing future leaders and providing support to people with special needs, while Nabaa Al-Halayba and Hala Al-Atoum from Jordan called for updating child support laws and e-government. they emphasized the importance of improvement.

Kuwaiti member Saud Al-Mutouteh emphasized the importance of sustainable development and improving the quality of life through health and education initiatives, and Kuwaiti Anwar Hassan Al-Jaafar emphasized the importance of effectively managing Parliament and the interests of society, and emphasized. help children and promote the values ​​of social responsibility.

Lebanon’s Lynn Nassar highlighted the importance of children’s health awareness and the importance of educational campaigns on vaccinations, Aws called on Jordanian justice to defend children’s rights, and Palestinian Omar Marwan called for the activation of national children’s parliaments in all countries to improve their role. in society

Maha Fater Shaheen from Syria highlighted the importance of community input and developing talent in working with children, while Yamen Al-Mousa from Syria highlighted the importance of organizations working to care for and educate children.

Palestinian Salim Shaheen called for sustainable development and effective solutions to the challenges facing children, Halal Jahlil called for decisions to protect children’s rights and increase children’s contribution, and Palestinian Nersian Hussam confirmed the success of Parliament in shaping the identity of members and members. deep understanding of children’s reality.

From Libya, Ali Obaid called for awareness of social issues, while Djibouti’s Zina highlighted the importance of Parliament’s role in representing Arab children and continuing communication with them, and Wahbat Allah Al-Alami asked Morocco to identify the challenges and needs of Arabs. to provide children and a safe and appropriate educational environment.

Sayed Ahmed Al-Ayashi addressed the importance of improving children’s health, education and social conditions Maryam Amjoun from Morocco emphasized the importance of building her country and interacting positively with society to support the rights of children and increase their participation… The decisions

  • Various interventions

The interventions presented under the umbrella of the Arab Parliament for Childhood were diverse, united around the views and efforts of members of the Arab Parliament for Children to promote children’s rights and achieve sustainable and social development in their communities.

The session of the Arab Parliament for Children ended with a highly enriching discussion on social responsibility and increasing the role of children in sustainable development, as interventions emphasized the importance of education and awareness of children’s rights and protection, and environmental and environmental protection. social initiatives, and enriched the recommendations made in a recent session aimed at increasing cooperation and cultural exchange between member states.

The President of the Arab Parliament for Children, Jinan Al-Sherif, wishes success to all members of the Parliament in implementing the recommendations and achieving the desired goals for a better future for children in the Arab world.