The UAE chairs the 114th session of the Arab Economic and Social Council – Al-Ittihad News

The UAE chairs the 114th session of the Arab Economic and Social Council – Al-Ittihad News

  1. The UAE is chairing the 114th session of the Arab Economic and Social Council  Al-Ittihad News
  2. Abdullah bin Touq: They are eager to improve the UAE’s work together with our Arab brothers  economic
  3. The UAE wants to support the development process to higher levels Al Khaleej newspaper  Alkhaleej Newspaper Gulf newspaper
  4. Morocco reaffirms its permanent commitment to joint Arab economic and social action  Elaph
  5. Aboul Gheit is content to console the Palestinian people: they endured harsh conditions beyond human endurance…Egypt has a lot to do with Ethiopia abandoning its arrogance.  Arab Jerusalem