UAE.. Several people with Bangladeshi citizenship demonstrated and gathered against their government, and the Attorney General issued a statement.

UAE.. Several people with Bangladeshi citizenship demonstrated and gathered against their government, and the Attorney General issued a statement.

Dubai United Arab Emirates (CNN)– The Attorney General of the UAE, Councilor Hamad Al Shamsi, on Saturday ordered the immediate investigation and prosecution of a group of Bangladeshi nationals after they demonstrated against their country’s government, sparked riots and disrupted public facilities, according to the Emirates News Agency, WAM.

The agency said in a statement: “The Attorney General, Counselor Dr. Hamad Al Shamsi, ordered an immediate investigation into the Bangladeshi nationals who gathered and rioted in various streets of the country on Thursday.”

As the Emirati agency explained, “A group of members of the public prosecutor’s office began to investigate the arrested defendants.”

As explained in the statement, “Investigations carried out under the direct control of the prosecutor have committed crimes of gathering in a public place and demonstrations against the government of their country, with the intention of rebellion, prevention and disruption. imposing laws and regulations, violating, harming and endangering the interests of individuals, preventing the exercise of their rights and obstructing traffic, attacking and damaging public and private property, deliberately stopping means of transport, requesting and encouraging such. the demonstrations, and the filming of video and audio clips of these actions and their publication on the Internet, are crimes that affect the security of the State and disturb the public order and would endanger the interests of the State, pending the investigations ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office”, according to WAM.

The Attorney General of the UAE “asked all those living in the land of the state to obey its laws, and not to submit to calls and actions, because these are serious crimes that have a serious impact on society and because of the severe punishments for the perpetrators.” WAM reported.