Video | Abdullah bin Zayed…a national figure and diplomatic icon

Video |  Abdullah bin Zayed…a national figure and diplomatic icon

Since joining the UAE Cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs on February 9, 2006, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan has left his distinctive mark on the country’s foreign policy, ushering in a new era built on historic diplomatic achievements. about diplomatic progress and the pursuit of lasting excellence.

Emirati diplomacy, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, succeeded in launching many initiatives formulated to serve the people of the nation and the peoples of the world, in addition to their role in achieving many achievements. strengthening the country’s position and expanding the thinking and vision of the Emirati leadership for the values ​​of human brotherhood to alleviate human suffering, regardless of gender or religion, and to deepen the values ​​of world peace and resolving conflicts peacefully and through dialogue. .

The efforts of His Highness are evident in the international appreciation we see for the UAE, which is a reflection of the positive, active and tolerant image of the UAE at the regional and international level, the wise leadership that has worked hard and made the UAE an icon of wisdom, moderation, coexistence, peace and openness to all.

In addition to his ministerial duties, His Highness holds the position of Deputy Prime Minister since 14 July 2024, Member of the National Security Council, Vice-Chairman of the Permanent Border Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Foundation, Deputy Representative. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abu Dhabi Development Fund, and Chairman of the Board of Education, Human Resources and Community Development, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Oversight of the National Strategy against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, Chairman of the Emirates Council. Vice President of the Board of Directors for Research and Development, Competitiveness, Emirati Cadres, and other important and leading positions in the UAE.

Since His Highness took over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United Arab Emirates has had a wide opening to the outside world, resulting in the establishment of strategic political, economic, commercial, cultural, scientific, educational and health partnerships with various countries. continents of the world, which has strengthened its prestigious position internationally.

Recent years have proven the strength of this vision, the foundations of which were laid by the founder of the UAE and the builder of its renaissance, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, which made the UAE. to have a prominent position in the international community.

Countering extremism

The UAE is one of the first countries to take a clear stance on extremism, terrorism and violence and the forces behind and encouraging them. and established several centers to fight extremism and terrorism, not only to fight terrorism, but to fight extremist ideologies that feed the violence practiced by terrorist groups with the greatest brutality, including ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations from a legal point of view, the UAE has issued many laws and laws has to criminalize any element associated with terrorist organizations.

The UAE has made great efforts to strengthen the system to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, through the laws it has passed and the steps it is taking.

Diplomatic achievements

The UAE’s diplomatic achievements are related to the happiness of its citizens, and there are many achievements related to this issue, including a bilateral agreement signed by the UAE and the European Union at the Council of the European Union in Brussels in May 2015, according to which. citizens of the country are exempted from the “Schengen” visa, which is a historic and successful agreement. UAE-Europe cooperation was strong and growing, after which many agreements were signed to exempt citizens of the country from visa requirements to enter Great Britain. Japan and other countries of the world.

Among the country’s diplomatic achievements, the Emirati passport continues to cement itself as the most powerful passport in the world, with previous visa exemptions, thus allowing its holder to enter more than 177 countries around the world.

A distinguished generation of Emirati diplomats

Under the leadership of His Highness, the diplomatic work system managed to play a vital role in training and developing Emirati skills, improving the country’s position and training a new generation of diplomacy capable of protecting national interests.

Future vision and future planning are evident in the thinking of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, as His Highness, through the chairmanship of the Board of Trustees of the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy, trained an elite of diplomats. leaders who have extensive experience and are able to support the UAE’s foreign policy and achieve its national interests.

His Highness’ vision, which aims to employ national human skills and resources, helped provide the necessary development and training programs to consolidate the leadership position of the UAE, which invests in people to achieve its vision of being among the best countries in the world. .

This was borne out of His Highness’s belief that developing the skills of the next generation of Emirati diplomatic talent is essential to support the country’s foreign policy objectives and to ensure that the voice of the UAE is heard and made prominent in those seeking to promote peace and stability in the region. international influence

And develop a future plan to implement the Academy’s vision and mission, which is to establish a prestigious academic center to develop diplomatic skills, research and thought leadership and provide the necessary knowledge and expertise to current and future Emirati diplomats. multi-disciplinary skills, and to empower members of the Emirates Diplomatic Academy programs from various organizations and government agencies, and provide them with a comprehensive educational environment that ensures exposure to various international activities and the acquisition of outstanding diplomacy and leadership skills that contribute to development. from their professional career, and it also offers them the opportunity to gain the confidence and necessary skills that enable them to serve the interests of the state at home and abroad.